Tuesday, 19 December 2017


We are holding two retrospective exhibitions early next year-and we shall be joined by our three new members who have provided pieces of work. The details for our first one are below and I will add photos when set up.

5th January to 24th January 2018- Avant Garden Centre, Gallery Cafe, Wigan Road, Leyland PR25 5XW 01772 433777 Open Monday - Saturday 9.00am to 5.30pm Late night Thursday until 7.30pm
Sunday 10.00am to 4.00pm- free entry - disabled access


The exhibition is up and running from today and it looks great.

Here are some photos- unfortunately the hangings behind glass did not come out, but I took some photos of groups of hangings and some close ups. The shelving unit also looks good, with a display of some of our 3D items.

Please try to get to see it.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Libertas so far

Well the exhibition is nearly over with, and it has gone really well- with plenty of interest, great comments and sales of small items- we are still waiting for the big sale of a hanging or two.

However as next weekend 9th & 10th September is Towneley Halls 'Heritage Weekend' you never know as there should be more visitors then usual!!!

I seem to have taken up residence there, as most weeks I turn up in some guise or another- stewarding, visiting with family, taking additional goodies for the cabinets etc etc.

Hopefully we may return to Towneley Hall in the future as it is a great venue and the staff are fantastic.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Simple Needle Felting Workshop

Hi well all our pop-in workshops are over, and I think we had the best response from this last one- with 6 children learning how to needle felt.

The first two little girls came with their Mum and Gran, and luckily Mum could sew which proved to be very helpfull, as it was tricky trying to make sure they were both happy and safe.

They did manage to finish a small piece of work each which were embellished with stitch and beads.

Later two more children appeared with their Gran who incidentally is in Lancaster EG- her Grandson and Grandaughter really enjoyed it, with her Grandson going all guns blazing and producing a very colourful piece of work, and her Grandaugher making a very thoughtful hanging.

Lastly two  more little girls joined in and again made some very colourfull, blingy pieces.

They all enjoyed themselves, and apparently were showing their hangings to the staff in the Museum shop- so job well done.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Libertas update

Well the exhibition is going really well, with plenty of great comments, and visitors. We have sold quite a few small items from the cabinets, and as I am running a mini workshop on weaving tomorrow, I am taking some replacement its to avoid empty spaces.

The Travel Tags are a great success, with loads sold and the monies will go to a group event.

 We  have had to make loads more again to avoid empty spaces- this is certainly a good idea for future exhibitions with maybe unique post cards.

We now have to sell some wall hangings, however that would be a delightful bonus.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Towneley Hall pop in workshops 'Libertas'

Hi the exhibition seems to be going well, I am stewarding with Suzanne next Monday, so I will see if any more travel tickets sold, read visitors book comments and replenish stocks of flyers, business cards etc.

We have three pop in workshops planned details below-

Wed 9th August- Sue Chisnall-Sumner- 'Simple Weaving'

Wed 16th August- Caroline Percy and Anne Leyland- 'Simple Stitch'

Wed 23rd August - Sue Chisnall-Sumner & possibly Nicky Robertson-' Simple Needle Felting'

Each day will consist of  two sessions- 1.00pm to 2.00pm and 3.00pm - 4.00pm

They can be booked on the day with Reception.

Charge is £2.00 pp for materials to be paid directly to tutors

All workshops are suitable for adults and children, but children under 14 must be accompanied  by an adult.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Libertas loaded

Hi got back from Towneley today with Tracey after two days of setting up the exhibition. We are both exhausted but extremely pleased with the results.

I have included some photos below, but for the full effect you need to see it in real life.

It looks great, and in fact just as we finished the final touches, three ladies from Penwortham WI looked around the exhibition, had a guided tour and were the first to put some really lovely comments in the Visitors Book.

                                                       USUAL FIRST DAY MAYHEM




Travel Tags & signage

Tracey & Sue


Tracey's Underground Railway

Sue'e lamp


Tracey's Lovely Ladies

Sue's bird cage

Eileen and Sue's Why the Caged Bird Sings'



Caroline's and Pat's

Tracey's circles


Suffrettes Banner & group panels




I am sorry if not all pieces of work are shown here, as I tried to be fair but I had to pick out the best photos from the bunch- I think my battery needs changing!!!

I am sure the preview on Sunday 9th July will go well, and hopefully we will get a good turnout.

Please come along 2.00pm to 4.00pm.

Shevington Library 3D sale & Exhibition

  Natural Progression Textile  Group                presents an exhibition and sale of Textile Art              5 th January 2022 to 25th...